Luca Solca

Head of Luxury Goods Exane BNP Paribas

10/06/2015 |
Luca is the Head of our number 1 rated (Institutional Investor 2014 and 2015) Luxury Goods team. Before joining Exane, Luca was the Head of Research at Cheuvreux and, prior to that, the lead analyst on Luxury & General Retail at Sanford Bernstein (2005–11); he was top-ranked in both.Luca has extensive experience of the Luxury Goods sector, initially as a partner at BCG (he was a consultant in 1991–02) and then as CEO of a publicly traded luxury conglomerate with sales of c.EUR1bn, which he restructured and refinanced between 2002 and 2005.Luca has a summa cum laude MBA from SDA Bocconi in Milan.

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