> 8' LUXURY SUMMIT / RELATORI / Maurizio Musicò

Maurizio Musicò

Avvocato Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates

26/05/2016 |
Maurizio Musico has received a law degree at La Sapienza University in Italy with specialization in Negotiation and Mediation of International Business Disputes and Transactions. After graduating as a lawyer, he continued to study for a Masters degree in Communication and Marketing. Between 2001 and 2015, Maurizio was teaching and practicing law in multinational companies in Italy, Bulgaria and California. In 2016, Maurizio was invited to Chetcuti Cauchi Advocates for the post of Head of Italian desk. Dr Musico is a key advisor on Malta Company Formation, Structuring of high value assets including Yachting, Aviation and Real Estate, Investment Portfolios, Malta Trusts and Foundations, Professional Investor Funds as well as  Malta Residency and Citizenship programmes mainly the Ordinary Residence Programme and the Malta Residence Programme

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