> RELATORI / Roberto Aquilini

Roberto Aquilini

Vice Presidente AIGET

Roberto Aquilini Vice Presidente AIGET
Vice President of AIGET, the Italian Association of Energy Traders, in charge of Environment and International Markets, and member of executive committees of other energy industry associations.

Head of Regulatory & Public Affairs for GDF SUEZ Energia Italia, one of the main players in Italy in gas and electricity sales, electricity production including renewables, energy trading. 12 years of experience in energy sector, formerly in Tenaris Group operating in gas trading and operations in Italy, then in the Market Division of Enel, the major Italian company in electricity, and since 2007 in GDF SUEZ, a world leading utility in energy and services, with 147.200 employees in 70 countries worldwide and 81 M.di € of revenues in 2013.

38 years old, graduated in Engineering and with a Postgraduate course at MIP - Politecnico of Milan (Italy) on Management, Economics and Policies in Network Services.

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