Laura Cozzi

Deputy Head Directorate Global Energy Economics International Energy Agency

28/09/2015 |
Laura Cozzi is Deputy Head of the Directorate of Global Energy Economics at the International Energy Agency. Ms. Cozzi is in charge of the quantitative analysis and modelling of the IEA flagship publication World Energy Outlook.
Ms. Cozzi has been co-author of over fifteen editions of the World Energy Outlook, and led the WEO special reports on climate, investment and Africa.
Ms. Cozzi has also been leading the directorate’s analysis on energy demand trends and climate change for over a decade. Prior to joining the IEA in 1999, she worked for the Italian oil company ENI.
Ms. Cozzi holds a Master degree in environmental engineering (from Polytechnic Milan) and a Master in energy and environmental economics (from Eni Corporate University).

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