Thierry Bros

Visiting Professor at Sciences Po and Independent Expert

After 20 years in the energy field, from the policy side to trading floors, Dr. Thierry Bros launched in 2011 the European gas and power research of Société Générale.
He obtained a large recognition in the industry, notably accredited as best European gas analyst for four years in a row (2013-2016) thanks to the broad range of strategic issues covered. In 2016, he decided to start his own research & consulting company to provide independent advice, training & expertise on energy markets: thierrybros.comDr. Thierry Bros is a senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, a member of the EU-Russia Gas Advisory Council and an advisor for the World Energy Council - Global Gas Centre. He is also a senior energy expert at Energy Delta Institute, a visiting professor at SciencesPo Paris and an Advisory Board Member for the Research Center for Energy Management (ESCP Europe).
Thierry Bros has a Master of chemical engineering from ESPCI ParisTech and a PhD from Ecole Centrale Paris.

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