> 7' FORUM BANCA E IMPRESA / RELATORI / Roberto Nicastro

Roberto Nicastro

Presidente delle 4 Nuove Banche

Roberto Nicastro was born in Trento  (Italy) on December 9, 1964 

Together with Claudio Demattè, he attended Bocconi University,  where he became guest researcher after his degree in Business Administration.

He worked for Salomon Brothers (London) and McKinsey & Co (Milan) as Strategic Advisor, developing organizational-strategic projects for Financial and Regulatory Organization, and Consumer Companies based in Italy and South America.  

Before joining UniCredit Group in 1997 he became Head of Planning & Participations in Credito Italiano. Later he has been appointed as Group Deputy General Manager and  Head of the New Europe Division of the UniCredito, to develop a brand new leader position in Central and Eastern Europe.  

In 2003 he was appointed Head of Retail Division and CEO of UniCredit Banca. In 2007 he assumed the position of Deputy CEO of the Group.

From November 2010 to September 2015 he was General Manager of UniCredit, with responsibility on Austria, Central and Eastern Europe, Marketing Retail and Multichannel, Group Internal Control System, Fineco and  relationship with Regulators and  Member of UniCredit Bank Austria - Vienna, and UniCredit Bank Zao – Moscow, Comitato Esecutivo ABI and Comitato Direttivo Assonime.  

He’s  Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bank Pekao SA – Warsaw and Deputy Vice Chairman of ABI (Italian Banking Association). 

From 2009 until 2012 he served as Chairman of EFMA (European Financial Marketing Association) 

From November 2015 he is Chairman of Cassa del Trentino and from 22 november 2015 he as been entrusted by Resolution Autority to chair , sell 4 “Good Banks” born from Law Decree 183/2015 Nuova Banca Marche Spa, Nuova Banca Etruria Spa. Nuova Carife Spa and Nuova Carichieti Spa

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