> RELATORI / Corrado Papa

Corrado Papa

Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE)

Corrado Papa is a secondee from ExxonMobil who joined Adriatic LNG as Commercial Manager in May 2014.
Corrado took degree as Chemical Engineer in Rome and his current main responsibilities are the implementation of all commercial initiatives and the management of the commercial contracts. In his current position Corrado is also responsible to manage the relationship with regulatory bodies, customers and shipping companies.

Before joining Adriatic LNG, Corrado has spent the majority of his career in the downstream and in the upstream businesses in various Exxonmobil affiliates, both in Italy and abroad, with particular focus on LNG and Gas and Power.

Corrado was appointed as GLE Vice-President and chairman of the GLE Gas Quality Work Group in June 2014.

Additionally, he has been the co-chairman of the GIE Gas Quality Task Force. The latest issues discussed in these groups were the methane number as well as the impact of including it in the European standard for natural gas

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