Gaston Astesiano

Senior Advisor - Infrastrutture e Ambiente, IDB

 Gastón Astesiano started in the IADB as part of the Young Professional Program in 2002 when he was assigned to the Infrastructure Division for the Southern Cone (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay) where he worked on Energy and Transportation projects as a regulatory specialist.
From 2007 to 2010 he worked in the Energy Division of the IADB developing energy projects (Bolivia, Argentina, Barbados, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay) and technical assistance for regulatory issues in electricity markets and renewable energy.
In 2011 Mr. Astesiano was appointed Operations Advisor of the Infrastructure and Environment Department (INE) where he was in charge of operations quality control and portfolio management, the Private-Public Partnership (PPP) coordinator and the Secretary of the Eligibility and Strategic Committee Secretary of the Project Preparation Facilities under the INE Department (InfraFund, AquaFund, Climate Change Fund and the Regional Infrastructure Fund-FIRII). Since September 2014 Mr. Astesiano has been working as the Senior Operational Advisor for the Vicepresident for Countries.
Before joining the IADB, Gastón Astesiano worked in the Ministry of Economics and Public Services of Argentina from 1994 to 1999. He was part of the Economic Deregulation Task Force where he participated on the deregulation of former public monopolies such as the energy sector (electricity and gas), Telecommunications and Transportation (railroad concessions renegotiation and airport privatization). From 2000 to 2002 Gastón Astesiano acted as consultant on PPP contracts, Telecom and Energy Regulation. Gastón Astesiano has a law degree from the Universidad Católica Argentina, a Master in Law (LLM) and a Master in Public Administration (MPA), Program in Economic Policy Management with concentration in International Energy Management and Policy, from Columbia University.        

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