Tiziana Bonacina

Group CFO Raccortubi

Tiziana Bonacina has 26 years of broad experience with a track record in various business roles (CFO, finance manager, credit manager, controller, treasury manager, risk and investment manager, IT director, HR director).
She has built her career for 19 years in two big multinationals (IBM and Shell) and then has covered the Group CFO role in different italian multinational companies and with italian and international private equity funds, working both on turnaround projects and on growth paths, through international expansion and acquisitions.

Currently, since 2015, she is the CFO of the Raccortubi Group, one of the world's leading manufacturers, stockholders and suppliers of piping materials used in critical applications such as chemical and petrochemical plants, oil installations, power plants, shipyards and offshore platforms. The Group is part of the ELITE program at the Milan/London Stock Exchange.

Within Raccortubi, she won the 2016 Business International Finance award at the 2016 CFO Summit: the award dedicated to the best companies that have realised projects and new strategies in the fields of Finance, Corporate Governance and Risk management. The Group won for the category "finance processes, accounting and business systems".

Tiziana has a degree in Finance and Economics and a MBA with the Open Business School of London.
She lived in the Usa and in London for a total of 4 years.

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