Fabrizio Spada

Direttore Rappresentanza regionale a Milano Commissione europea

Mr. Fabrizio Spada takes office as Head of Regional Representation in Milan from 1st April 2012.
Mr. Spada, previously Press Officer of the European Commission Regional Representation in Milan, brings over 15 years of experience in the Commission.Since joining the European Commission in 1996, he has worked in the Directorate General responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and in Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development.
He served the DG Employment dealing with European Social Fund Operations monitoring national employment and social inclusion action plans. In the DG Agriculture and Rural Development he worked on legislative and related matters concerning national and regional rural development programmes in the Member States.
Mr. Spada's experience and his background in economics, finance and law enables the Commission Regional Representation in Milan to play a key role in communicating with local citizens and the media, as well as enhancing relations between the European Commission and national and local authorities and stakeholders.  

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