Alessandro Tappi

Head of Guarantees, Securitisation & Microfinance Fondo Europeo per gli Investimenti

Alessandro Tappi is Head of Guarantees, Securitisation & Microfinance at the European Investment Fund (EIF), focusing on structured finance solutions for SME portfolios and with a long track record on SME securitisation.
EIF's guarantee activity now spans across all the EU Member States, as well as the candidate countries and South-East Europe.
Between 2006 and 2008 Alessandro has been Member of the Board of Directors of EFSE, the largest microfinance investment fund worldwide.
Prior to joining EIF, Alessandro worked for several years in project financing at San Paolo Bank, Italy.
Alessandro holds an MBA in Business Administration and a Diploma in Economics from the University of Turin. He has been lecturer and held training courses on Structured Finance products and Financial Modelling.

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