Carmine Di Noia

Commissario Consob

Carmine Di Noia, 50, Commissioner at the Italian Securities and Exchange Commission (Consob).
He teaches Corporate Governance and Financial Markets Law and Regulation at LUISS University in Rome.
Before joining Consob, Carmine Di Noia was Deputy Director General and Head of Capital Markets and Listed Companies at Assonime (the Association of the Italian Corporations), and he served for two tenures as a member of the Securities and Markets Stakeholders Group at European Securities and Markets Authorities (ESMA). He was also member of the board of directors of the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana Spa).
He was appointed in various expert groups selected by the European Commission, including the ESME (European Securities Market Expert) Group, the Clearing and Settlement Advisory Monitoring Expert Group (CESAME) (2005-06), the Forum Group on Auditors Liability (2005-06), the Securities Expert Group on Financial Services Action Plan (2003-04). He was also member of the Consultative Working Group on Market Abuse of CESR (The Committee of European Securities Regulators).He was chairman of the Policy Committee of EuropeanIssuers and member of the Legal Committee of EALIC (the European Association of Listed Companies). He was member of the working group that drafted the new version of the Italian Corporate Governance Code.
He was, until April 2001, the Head of the Market Information Office at Consob (the Italian Securities and Exchange Regulator). He joined Consob in 1995 at the Economics department.
He received a Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) and a doctorate in Economic Theory at the University “Tor Vergata” of Roma, Italy.
He has taught Microeconomics at the Dept. of Economics of the University of Pennsylvania and Monetary Economics at the LUISS-Guido Carli University in Rome.

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