Giovanni Revoltella

Investment Director Capvis Equity Partners

Investment Director at Capvis Equity Partners.
Capvis is a leading mid-market private equity fund specialized among others in creating Global niche market leaders in the Industrial sector.He is currently coordinating the investment team activity in Italy for Capvis and is a member of the Industrial sector team. Board member of Faster SpA, manufacturer of quick-release couplings for the agriculture and construction equipment markets, portfolio company of Capvis. Previously, founding shareholder of the first SPAC investing in Italy: Italy1.
The SPAC invested in the IVS Group, for which he became a manager, supporting its growth plan. Before that, he was Partner at the mid-market private equity firm Argan Capital and Analyst at Lehman Brothers in the M&A division in London.
He obtained his degree in International Economics, Summa cum laude, at the University Bocconi in Milano.“

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