Toni Volpe

Amministratore Delegato Falck Renewables

Graduated Magna cum laude in Management, Economics and Industrial at Polytechnic of Milan in 1997. In 2002 he obtained his Master’s Degree at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business, New York, USA.
Between 1997 and 1998, he worked at Decathlon Logistics in France managing operations, planning, work organization and recruiting of a sector of the regional warehouse. From 1998 to 2004, he was a consultant at Bain & Company in Milan in Luxury Goods, Apparel, Financial and Postal Services. In 2004, he joined Enel Group and worked in Corporate Strategy department reporting directly to the Enel Group CEO on key corporate development programs. From 2005 to 2011, he was President and CEO of Enel Green Power (EGP) North America (USA and Canada). Under his tenure, the company diversified in geothermal and solar, in addition to mini-hydro, wind and biomass, built pipelines of projects in excess of 10,000 MW gross in various technologies. Installed capacity (grew threefold and gross margin grew in 30% per year, allowing EGP NA to become a leading owner and operator of renewable energy plants in the United States and Canada.
Between 2011 and 2014 he was Head of Human Resources Planning, Compensation, Development, Training and Recruiting at Group level.
From 2014, Toni Volpe was Country Manager and CEO of Enel Romania. He managed the activities of the Group on the regulated business of electric distribution, covering more than 30% of the market in Romania, including the capital Bucharest, and about 90.000 km of network and the unregulated business of supply of electricity with 2.7 million customers.

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