> 17' ITALIAN ENERGY SUMMIT / RELATORI / Beatrice Lamonica

Beatrice Lamonica

Sustainability Lead Accenture Strategy

Beatrice Lamonica leads Accenture Strategy Sustainability Services in ICEG (Italy, Central Europe and Greece) region.
She joined Accenture six years ago, after significant years in leading strategy consulting firms and the experience in the Sustainable Development Department of an industrial company, Holcim.
Beatrice is an Environmental Engineer, with more than 15 years’ professional experience with focus on sustainability, climate change and environmental management, she supports companies in integrating sustainability in corporate strategy and operations.
Beatrice has extensive international experience having worked in Europe, Republic of Kazakhstan, United States, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
She has been responsible for the CDP Italy Investors report publication from 2012 to 2014 and CDP European cities report.
Currently focusing on Circular economy, she co-authored a book “Circular Economy: Dallo spreco al valore” published by Egea.

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