> 9' LUXURY SUMMIT / RELATORI / Pascal Houillon

Pascal Houillon

CEO Cegid

An experienced digital executive, Pascal Houillon is dedicated to the customer. His aim is to transform companies by putting the customer at the focus of strategic decisions and move the business model and internal culture of organizations into alignment with the customer experience.
Mr. Houillon joined Cegid in March 2017 as CEO and is heading up the group’s plan to expand in France and abroad at an accelerated pace, leveraging Cegid’s success in cloud services and the commitment of Cegid’s staff vis-à-vis its customers.
Mr. Houillon served as CEO of Sage Americas and previously as head of Sage’s operations in France, Switzerland, Belgium, French-speaking Africa and Brazil.
A graduate of INSEAD, Pascal Houillon also holds a Master’s degree in information technology applied to the corporate environment from Paris-Sud University and a bachelor’s degree in econometrics from the University of Assas.

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