> RELATORI / Stefano Porcellini

Stefano Porcellini

Direttore Generale Gruppo Biesse


- 1984 Maturità classica, Liceo Ginnasio Giulio Cesare - Rimini
- 3/1990 Univerity Degree in Business and Administration, specialization "Finance" - Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi - Milano
- September - November 2001 Milan SDA School of Management at Bocconi University "Program of Manager Development"
- May - June 2007 Milan SDA School of Management "Leadership"
- Jan. 2008: "Lean Manufacturing" - Porsche Consulting Academy, Stuttgart


September 2012 – Present
Position: Managing Director, BIESSE GROUP
Responsibilities range from strategy design, organization shape, business planning, budget definition and all business development actions.All business divisions (industrial and sales) and Corporate centralized functions (Marketing&Media Com., IT, HR, CFO, Legal, M&A, IR,  ...) report to me.

November 2006 - August 2012 
Position: Group CFO and Board of Directors member, BIESSE GROUP
In charge of all Finance, Treasury and Planning&Control activities, - and Legal Dept. -, of the Group worldwide, maintaining a leading role in major business development actions implying start-ups and/or acquisitions (Brema, Viet, Korex-China and Biesse Mnfg India).
Investor relations team reports to me.

May 2000 - October 2006
Position: Wood Division General Manager (+ Biesse IPO), BIESSE GROUP
Responsibility included M&A (Biesse Australia and New Zealand) and start-ups (mainly sales and service subsidiaries abroad), and as well the dismissal of under-performing assets (Schelling AG – Austria). In 2000 and 2001 (June), I’ve got the leading responsibility of Biesse IPO in Borsa Italiana.

March 1995 – April 2000
Position: Subsidiaries Division Manager, BIESSE GROUP 
In charge of the existing and newly incorporated sales and service subsidiaries worldwide.  My responsibility ranged from the development of those “pioneer” organizations, implementation of Group procedures, to the business development planning and execution.
Personally started Biesse France, Biesse Deutschland, Biesse Iberica.

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