> 11' CONSUMER & RETAIL SUMMIT / RELATORI / Christian Kagerer

Christian Kagerer

Direttore Fleischprüfring Bayern, Istituto bavarese per il controllo qualitá delle carni

After his studies of agricultural engineering at the Technical University of Munich Dr. Kagerer started in 1998 an employment at Fleischprüfring Bayern e.V. in quality management with auditing and certification of agricultural farms. The Fleischprüfring Bayern e.V. is a non profit organisation founded from the Bavarian State for classification of carcasses and quality assurance of meat in Bavaria. In 1999 he has taken over the function as division manager origin and product control in beef and pork labeling and internal quality management.  In 2002 the company "LQB - Landwirtschaftliche Qualitätssicherung Bayern GmbH (quality assurance in agriculture)" was founded from the bavarian farmers association and german slaughterhouses and Dr. Kagerer  resumed the function as managing director. The LQB ist responsible for the certification of several agricultural standards and scopes like Qualität und Sicherheit, "Geprüfte Qualität - Bayern" (Origin from Bavaria) and the PGI (protected geographical indication) "Bavarian Beef" or "Beef from Bavaria". As project manager for the regional "Cluster Bavaria"  Dr. Kagerer developed at Fleischprüfring Bayern e.V an information platform for the livestock and meat industry (www.qualifood.de) to transfer and crosslink important informations to the supply chain. In 2011 he has taken over the function as division manager "data processing and engineering" and "classification of carcasses".  Since 2013 up to now he is the managing director of "Fleischprüfring Bayern e.V.".

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