> 11' CONSUMER & RETAIL SUMMIT / RELATORI / Manfred Newrzella

Manfred Newrzella

Direttore Bayerischer Brauerbund, Consorzio dei Birrifici Bavaresi

Official Position at the Bavarian Brewers Association: managing director;Job profile:The born inhabitant of Munich (62 years old) and qualified full lawyer started his activities in a law firm which had also their main focus in foreign economic law. In 1989, he became the legal advisor of Tucher Bräu AG. There he came in contact with the foreign beer business for the first time. Within a short time he signed beside all juridical questions in the beer business also for the personal being and the insurance being of the brewery responsibly. In 1996, Manfred Newrzella was appointed Managing Director of the Munich Brewers Association, the Bavarian Export Brewers Association and the Munich Brewers Business Association Ltd. Since 2007 he answers after the merger with the Bavarian Export Breweries Association at the Bavarian Brewers Association the division export / foreign countries. In addition, Mr. Newrzella is still active as a member of the Board of Management, Board of Management or Managing Director in numerous associations, which are located in the beer environment.

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