Antonio Sacchetti

Amministratore Delegato Tera

Graduated at Nunziatella Military School in Naples, than at Politecnico di Bari (Electronic Engineering) and MBA at Spegea Business SCHOOL, winner of several awards and author of several patents while working as designer, researcher and R&D director in electronic manufacturing companies, (Thesis Award TI 1997, Award "PROJENIUS" Assodel 2008), since 2007 he began his entrepreneurial career contributing to the foundation and the launch of 5 innovative start-ups (his experience is one of the inspiring stories of the book "Talenti per l’Impresa", ed. Laterza 2011). CEO of TERA, Antonio Sacchetti is deeply engaged in the topic of business and industry innovation, holding positions in entrepreneurial associations (VP of MEE and member of “Industry 4.0” team at Confindustria Bari-BAT, member of the Executive Committee of the Regional Clusters in Mechanics, Energy and Sustainable Construction). He has participated in over 40 R&D cooperative projects, at regional, national  and European level.

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