Anna Zanardi Cappon

Board Advisor, Executive Coach, Psychologist

05/12/2014 |
Gestione d'impresa
Anna Zanardi Cappon Board Advisor, Executive Coach, Psychologist
Board Advisor for several boards of directors of listed and unlisted companies, she acts as executive coach to the managing directors and management boards in their decisional processes and guides them through any necessary alignment in order to successfully transform the company. Among others, she is executive coach at C-levels of 8 companies of Fortune 500 Global.

She graduated in Economics before going on to study Psychology at various universities including Stanford University and Harvard University. She writes for major newspapers and magazines on the themes of cultural change and its complexity. She is author of more than twenty books on leadership and the organization, as well as numerous clinical publications. Anna Zanardi Cappon Board Advisor, Executive Coach, Psychologist
Board Advisor for several boards of directors of listed and unlisted companies, she acts as executive coach to the managing directors and management boards in their decisional processes and guides them through any necessary alignment in order to successfully transform the company. Among others, she is executive coach at C-levels of 8 companies of Fortune 500 Global.

She graduated in Economics before going on to study Psychology at various universities including Stanford University and Harvard University. She writes for major newspapers and magazines on the themes of cultural change and its complexity. She is author of more than twenty books on leadership and the organization, as well as numerous clinical publications.

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